Who is Wisdom Osemwende?
Over 27 years of progress Military experience in Worldwide Civil, Humanitarian Affairs, National Defense, National Security, Chemical Operations/Defense, Psychological Operations, Economic Development, Public Policy and Administration, and Security Cooperation/Management.
Served as a Joint Civil Affairs (CA) Planner for United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).
· Highly accomplished in reviewing programs and providing advice on issues related to safeguarding humanitarian principles and ensuring the effective delivery of emergency preparedness programs and policies in response to international crises and disasters.
· Effective and articulate communicator to deliver information briefs and presentations on programs status, strategies, implementation and execution with agencies such as Department of State, United States Agency for International Development (USAID and Non-Government Organizations.
· Fluent in English and German (speaking/writing/reading). Fluent in African Languages such as Benin and Yoruba: Speak and Read some French.
· Experienced in developing programs utilizing strategic planning relevant to the geographical area.
· Routinely assumes a leadership role in implementation of Humanitarian programs; logistics coordination, facilities, supplies, equipment, budgets and Human Resources.
· Collaborative team member and team leader who also works well independently to plan, design and implement programs, projects, studies to achieve established goals and objectives.
Computer Proficient: Windows operating systems; MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
Ph.D. Public Policy and Administration Walden University,Minneapolis, MN 05/2018
Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA
Master of Art in Mass Communication 12/1991
Bachelor of Science in Business 05/1990
US Army ROTC 05/1987 to 05/1991
Anti-Terrorism Awareness Training 2014
Facility Manager Course 2004
Security Manager Course 2003
Command and General Staff Officer Course 2003
Combined Arms and Service Staff Officer Course 2002
Training Management Course 2002
Chemical Officer Advance Course 2000
Civil Affairs Officer Course 1999
Psychological Operation Course 1997
Chemical Officer Basic Course 1992
UNITED STATES ARMY 05/1987-03/2017
353rd Civil Affairs Command, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, NY10305
Supervisor: Mr. Gittens / Hours worked per week:40-60
Salary: $8,800 / month
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel/05
ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF Deputy G-3 Operations 05/2014 to03/2017
Supported the Civil Affairs Command Assistant G-3 and Commander in all matters pertaining to operations and training.
Prepared Civil Affairs Command soldiers and teams to support Fiscal Year 15 and 16 operation company rotations, NATO CIMIC courses and Continental United States/ Overseas Continental United States exercises, Theater Security Cooperation missions, forward deployed units, and special projects.
Increased Civil Affairs Command engagement of and support to United States Africa Command, United States European Command, and their Army Service Component Commands to include exercise and mission planning and execution.
Developed and maintained productive relationships with Civil Affairs Command staff and United States Civil Affairs and psychological Operation Command, Africa Command and European Command counterparts/Point of Contacts in order to support leadership directives the Civil Affairs Command mission.
Assisted senior Civil Affairs (CA) operator's working relationship with the relevant United States Government inter-agency partners operating in Africa and to improve their knowledge of the current socio-political and economic issues; to familiarize Civil Affair soldiers with African traditions and culture; and status of medical health care issues on the continent in preparation for the ongoing Horn of Africa rotation
Africa Command, Africa Command Center J3, Stuttgart, Germany 4/2011 to 05/2014
Supervisor:General Gordon-Bray / Hours worked per week:40-60
Salary: $6240.00 / month
Rank: MAJOR/04; Lieutenant Colonel/05
AFRICOM Liaison OfficerHQ U.S.
Served as a Joint Civil Affairs (CA) Planner for United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).
Provided advice to the AFRICOM Operation Director, the staff and the Component Command staffs on the CA capabilities, operations and non-lethal targeting.
Synchronized CA operations and activities into the US Africa Command ( AFRICOM) Theatre Campaign Plan and Regional Campaign Plans through resource identification and synchronization with Department of State and United States Agency for International Development(USAID) strategies.
Performed staff coordination at the Combatant Command level and with subordinate Component and Sub-Unified Command.
Assisted to review theater security cooperation plans to ensure linkage between strategic objectives, priorities, and desire effect for selected programs.
Provided security cooperation recommendations within the Directorate, the Command and to other senior leaders. Scheduled conferences facilities.
Assisted with developing conference agenda, assigning content preparation duties and coordinating distinguished visitor support requirements with appropriate offices travelled with in the area of responsibility to coordinate initiatives.
Assisted in coordinated visits of senior foreign officers.
Facilitated Theater Security Cooperation with FACA , UPDF and Nigeria.
Assisted in reviewing After Action Report and recommend changes to the steady state Theater Security Cooperation. Used expertise and contacts to manage and coordinated security cooperation programs.
Provided comprehensive information on development and trends in security cooperation programs.
Planned, conducted, supported and participated in security cooperation-related activities such as conferences, exercises, boards, working groups, meetings and talks.
Maintained political-military awareness of relevant international and regional organizations as well as of regional initiatives.
Synchronized security program with exercises and operations to strengthen defense capabilities and achieve theater goals. Optimized and managed program timelines to meet dynamic changes.
Reviewed and synchronize Senior Leaders Engagements to ensure they best supported the Command's broader security cooperation program and goals.
Developed and delivered information briefs and presentation on programs status, implementation and execution.Assistedin Coordinating with the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and stabilization and the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) for Dept. of Defense (DoD) assistance in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief operations.
Coordinated and provided liaison with the Interagency, African Partner Nation and NGO/IGO communities. Served as a liaison at the America Embassy, Bangui, Central African republic to support one of the Combatant Commander's top priorities; the Counter Lord's Resistance Army (C-LRA) Operation.
Coordinated with senior level US government and military official and Uganda Central African Republic military and civilian officials.
Developed briefings and reports for the US Ambassador and Embassy officials, and the ACCE Commander.
Conducted site surveys and coordinated with the Ugandan People's Defense Forces(UPDF) and the Central African Army Forces (FACA) military leadership to facilitate interoperability activities between the two nations.
Conducted cross-directorate and cross-functional operational-level planning and execution of USAFRICOM Operations doctrine, techniques and procedures required forPandemic training exercise.
Assisted in Pandemic training development, coordination and implementation of strategy plan and remain under the guide line AFRICOM policy.
Assisted in reviewing and analyzed campaign OPLANS and CONPLANS for suitability, feasibility and analyzed mission objectives.Served as a Planner and monitored all current operations (Land, Maritime, Air) within the North and West region of Africa, including leading the execution of crisis action planning to support crisis response operations.
Represented the AFRICOM Counter-LRA Control Element (ACCE) Served as the ACCE Liaison Officers (LNOs). Assisted the ACCE Commander, in conjunction with the leadership of the respective Country Teams.
Facilitated ACCE activity and engagement in support of the Joint Staff Execution Orders (JS EXORD) and AFRICOM EXORD for Counter Lord's Resistance Army (C-LRA) operations. As ACCE Liaison Office( LNO),reported directly to the ACCE Commander and the U.S. Ambassador, and filling validated positions in the AFRICOM EXORD within the ACCE structure.
Worked within the respective countries under the Geographical Combatant Command (GCC) authority but also operated within policy guidance from and under the direction of the U.S. Ambassador to Central Africa Republic.
Participated with SOCAFRICA operations in the campaign plans Counter-LRA and strategy to capture Joseph Koney.
Assisted Senior Defense Officers/ Defense Attaché Officers (SDO/DATTs) and Deputy Chiefs of Mission (DCMs) to keep them well-informed and to mesh reporting of ACCE activities into the embassy's preferred standard reporting procedures.
At the weekly Embassy staff meeting, assisted in developing plan to minimize LRA activities in the area. Provided updates or briefings to the Ambassador as desired. Shared information and communicated with the Deputy Chief of Mission ( DCM) and SDO/DATTs.
On a rotational basis and as operationally feasible, traveled to the ACCE Joint Operations Center (JOC) in Entebbe and Obo, Uganda, in order to communicate more fully with the ACCE Commander and staff and to make frequent trips to the operational area in therespective countries to improve the situational awareness.
Maintained rapport with the partner-nation military counterparts in those areas (FARDC in DRC, FACA in CAR, and SPLA in South Sudan) and conducted research and analysis, on information obtained from Uganda Defense Force and Central Africa Forces, sent recommendation to the US Ambassador and ACCE Commander.
Reported meetings discussion to the DCM, Ambassador and Military Leaders.
Reviewed and coordinated US Forces visit to the CAR Forces. Ensured that information provided to the CAR Forces and Uganda senior military official are accurate and consistent with previous statement or correspondence.
Assisted ACCE operations staff to ensure that Country Clearance, over-flight clearances, and landing clearances are processed in a timely and professional manner in accordance with embassy and country policies.Attended Country Team meetings as requested by the DCM or SDO/DATT.
Maintained daily communication through electronic or voice means and office communicator and office computer system with the ACCE Operations Officer or Operations NCO to ensure that information flow is synchronized.
Assisted and coordinated with the CAR Forces to obtained TA-50 military equipment worth over $400,000 through the US Embassy.Provided plans of equipment distribution to the ACCE Commander and the US Ambassador.
Providedregular input to daily ACCE SITREPs if there were significant activities to report, and more thoroughly once per week on Wednesdays to ensure that the ACCE staff could address any problems or concerns in the weekly Thursday ACCE SVTC or Defense Connect online (DCO) update to Special Operation Command Africa ( SOCAFRICA).
In the daily reports, reported in a "5W", (who, what, why, where when) succinct manner any meetings that had been conducted and reported key activities or Key Leader Engagements that were expected to be performed in the next 24-48 hours. Provided a more robust report on the weekly accomplishments and upcoming meetings and activities.
Organized planning conferences, teleconferences, video teleconferences, meetings, and working groups to synchronize the validation and coordination processes.
HQ USARC, FT McPherson, GA 30330 and FT Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX 05/2007 to 04/2011
Supervisor: LT COL. Jerry Smitha, Hours worked per week:40-60
Salary: $6240.00 / month
Rank: MAJOR/04
Served as Readiness officer responsiblefor improving unit readiness through the Army Reserve units in the United States by conducting periodic assessment to identify readiness inhibitors in the areas of mobilization to increase overall deployment capability.
Monitored the curriculum for updated war fighter information material and maintained awareness of war fighting system are up to date used in the classroom.
Assisted to analyzed war fighting operation concept and it effect of mission command in the battlefield. Used model technical tools and techniques to develop training exercise. Ensured that training objective was met.
Used software equipment to enhance learning and reality in the battlefield. Used proper program method techniques as block of instruction.
Provided assistance and advice to enhance capabilities in the area of mobilization and ensured the development of a campaign quality Army Reserve Expeditionary Force to fill the needs of the Army to fight the global war on terrorism.
Supervised and assisted Reserve units to qualify on range.
Assessed Army Reserve units and report on the capabilities to compliment the force.
Assisted Army Reserve units to resolve and fix mobilization readiness inhibitors.
Provided high-value coaching, mentoring, and teaching in the area of mobilization to the unit leadership.
Performed assessment and assistance visits of identified units in a multi-state area of operation in the mob readiness functional area, focusing on mobilization readiness and individual training.
Maintained overall responsibility for the planning,directing, and management of range operations and range maintenance activities.
Produced and updated regulations and directives pertaining to range operations and activities.
Assisted in coaching, teaching, mentoring and training to unit personnel in mobilization preparation as identified by ARFORGEN. Evaluated training to ensure that soldiers learned to position themselves properly in a combat command actuality. Organized After Action Review to improve on training war fighter exercise and classroom instruction.
Conducted briefing with higher military superior on the progressive trend of the training exercise and classroom. Ensured that military personnel adapted to the teaching method.
Maintained and used multimedia equipment to training war fighting function.
Maintained classroom war fighting function, and fires war fighting function instruction at all times. Indoctrinated war fighting circumstance as part of the block of instruction.
Introduced subject matter expert during exercise or classroom instruction.
Assisted units in developing units load plans, identifiedspecial logistical requirements, and assisted unit mobilization and movement officers if not fully trained or qualified.
Ensured that military personnel are in compliance with DOD regulation guidance on Sexual Harassment. Ensured zero incident of Sexual Harassment in the Team.
Provided unit with development of Mobilization Plans IAW FORSCOM 500-3-1 and 500-3-3.
Conducted training for Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) withMobilization Planning Data Viewer software, and all related data entry and file management.
Assessed and assisted with completion of the Commanders Training Assessment tool (CTA), post-mobilization training plan (PMTP).
Assisted with development of Long Range Training Calendars/Plan.Developed and exported a training tool box to all units containing an abundance of information to include school, USARC YTG, Citizen Warrior Message, and the latest changes in readiness doctrine and policies.
Fort Polk, LA 71459 07/2006 to 5/2007
Supervisor: LT COL. Jerry Smitha, Hours worked per week: 40-60
Salary:$6240.00 / month
Rank: MAJOR/04
Served as a Civil Affairs Planner for the Joint Readiness Training Center's Operations Group Special Operation Forces Plans/Exercise Maneuver Control Center.
Planned and coordinated all Civil Affairs Units in the United States, Role-Play and COB (Civilians on the Battlefield0 forces participating in JRTC rotation.
Advised Commander of strategy plan to meet overall exercise objectives to further enhance different section. Coordinated all requirements with USSOCOM, USAJFKSWCS, USASOC and USACAPOC.
Conducted Initial Planning Coordination with all participating Civil Affairs units and USACAPOC.
Monitored the curriculum for updated war fighter information material and maintained awareness of war fighting system are up to date used in the classroom.
Assisted in analyzing war fighting operation concept and its effect on mission command in the battlefield.
Used model technical tools and techniques to develop training exercise. Ensured that training objectiveswere met.
Used software equipment to enhance learning and reality in the battlefield. Used proper program method techniques as block of instruction.
Evaluated training to ensure that soldiers learned to position themselves properly in a combat command actuality.
Organized After Action Review to improve on training war fighter exercise and classroom instruction.
Conducted briefing with higher military superior on the progressive trend of the training exercise and classroom. Ensured that foreign military personnel and/or civilians adapted to the teaching method.
Maintained and used multimedia equipment to training war fighting function. Maintained classroom war fighting function, and fires war fighting function instruction at all times.
Indoctrinated war fighting circumstance as part of the block of instruction. Introduced subject matter expert during exercise or classroom instruction.
Participated in exercise operational guidance to develop exercise structure for training Pandemic Response.
Assisted in planning, execution, and coordinated activities with the CJTF staff, BCT, and international and non-governmental organization.
Ensured that Civil Affairs was adoctrinally correct, fully integrated portion of the scenario. Portrayed the role of the JTF CA officer, CJTF-21, and other Civil Affairs higher headquarters.
Conducted daily Commanding General update brief.
Improved Civil Military Operation at JRTC by bringing USAID and former Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Team members to the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC).
HQ, 450th Chemical Battalion Houston, TX 77041 09/2005 to 07/2006
Supervisor : MAJOR Brian D. Friedman Hours worked per week: 40-60
Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as Battalion Operation Officer, responsible for accomplishing operations within overall command policies and objectives.
Provided technical advice and guidance to the subordinate unit of the 450th Chemical Battalion on setting up operations plan and programs, and the administration task and responsibilities relevant thereto.
Assisted subordinate units to scheduled military range operations.
Assisted subordinate units to draw ammunition for weapon qualification firing and supervise range control.
Evaluated training to ensure that soldiers learn to position themselves properly in a combat command actuality.
Organized After Action Review to improve on training war fighter exercise and classroom instruction.
Conducted briefing with higher military superior on the progressive trend of the training exercise and classroom.
Ensured that foreign military personnel and/or civilians adapt to the teaching method.
Maintained and used multimedia equipment to training war fighting function.
Maintained classroom war fighting function, and fires war fighting function instruction at all times.
Indoctrinated war fighting circumstance as part of the block of instruction.
Introduced subject matter expert during exercise or classroom instruction.
Reviewed status and readiness of the subordinate units.
Advised units of changes necessary or directed in training goals or procedures.
Conducted required liaison with superior and other headquarters to ensured proper understanding of training requirement and coordination of training exercises; performed necessary administrative function in support of presentation at briefing, meetings workshops.
Ensured that military personnel are in compliance with DOD regulation guidance on Sexual Harassment. Ensured zero incidentof Sexual Harassment in the Battalion.
Coordinated and implemented the Battalion Yearly Training Brief (YTB), Yearly Training Calendar ( YTC) and Unit Status Report (USR).
Improved the readiness of the battalion through YTB's, YTC's, USR's and Readiness visit.
Ensured the 450th subordinate units successfully completed their Yearly Training Brief and UnitStatus Report in a timely manner Designed tracking sheets and status report helped reduced a lot of waste time at the Battalion and Company, which enhanced their mission readiness.
A/Co 358th Civil Affairs BDE, Kirkuk, Iraq APO AE 09359 03/2005 to 09/2005
Supervisor: COL Miranda, Hours worked per week: 40-60
Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as Commander for A Co 358th Civil Affairs Brigade in Kirkuk, Iraq.
Commanded CAT- A team in direct support to the 3-116 Task Force responsible for Civil Military Operation (CMO) in AO South.
Established contact with local city governments to assist them in the establishment of a representative form of government as well as to provide assistance in the rebuilding of infrastructure within Area of Operation South (AO South).
Initiated the cooperative work between the senior joint military officers and the local leaders and NGO/PVO.
Assisted with reviewing and analyzing OPLANS and CONPLANS in combat patrol mission to meet strategy plan and objective.
Provided advice to the 3-116 TF Commander in matters related to CMO.
Developed professional relationship with 3-116th TF Commander as the company re-organized from a general support(GS) to a direct support (DS) role.
Ensured compliance with international laws and conventions regarding use of labor and when acquired and using local resources (supplies, equipment, and facilities).
Reviewed and provided advice on policy issues related to safeguarding humanitarian principles and ensured the effective delivery of emergency preparedness programs.
Assisted in reviewing After Action Report and recommend changes to the steady state Theater Security Cooperation.
Used expertise and contacts to manage and coordinate security cooperation programs.
Provided comprehensive information on development and trends in security cooperation programs.
Planned, conducted, supported and participated in security cooperation-related activities such as conferences, exercises, boards, working groups, meetings and talks.
Maintained political-military awareness of relevant international and regional organizations as well as of regional initiatives.
Synchronized security program with exercises and operations to strengthen defense capabilities and achieve theater goals.
Optimized and managed program timelines to meet dynamic changes.
Reviewed and synchronize Senior Leaders Engagements to ensure they best support the Command's broader security cooperation program and goals.
Developed and delivered information briefs and presentation on programs status, implementation and executionOrganized and participated in work groups, meetings, conferences, consultations with other agencies and partners on humanitarian and disaster preparedness-related matters.
Increased legitimacy of the Host Nation (HN) government by executing operations and projects in consultation and coordination with civilian agencies and in accordance with local government priorities of work.
Routinely met with local leaders throughout the region to discuss pressing issues, such as electrical power and water, road etc.Participated at the local government council to train local council leaders how to assess, evaluate contract bids and award contract.
Advised local government council leaders on government infrastructures projects and the bidding process in the democratic system.
Created job employment position at the local primary school.
Assisted in building and commissioned clinic, road construction, assessed water well, electricity power plant. Participated in distribution of humanitarian aids to the locals.
Assisted with contractor performance and make recommendation for revisions as contracts proceed through the acquisition life cycle.
B/411 Civil Affairs Battalion, 1st Infantry Division (M)APO AE 09308Tikrit, Iraq 12/2004 to 03/2005
Supervisor: LT COL. Robert Smithers Hours worked per week: 40-60
Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as the Operation Officer for the Civil Military Coordination Center (CMCC) FOB Danger, Tikrit, Iraq.
Ensured that the CMCC conducts civil-military operational requirements are met in a timely manner; ensured that the CMCC conducts civil military operations within the AOR; provided humanitarian assistance; coordinated with civilian forces and coalition forces and procured host nation assets for military operations.
Planned, developed and managed all procurement and contractual aspects of projects of significant complexity related to worldwide procurement of diverse services and commodities, taking into account local economic and other conditions.
Maintained work program and schedule for ongoing contracts and newly-planned ones.
Participated in negotiations with senior supplier personnel, signed procurement orders as authorized.
When contract amount exceeded authorized signature authority, prepared submissions to the Contracts Committee for review and subsequent approval by the authorized official.
Assisted with contractor performance and made recommendation for revisions as contracts proceed through the acquisition life cycle.
Provided daily operations reports, accountability, specialized training and professional development of the assigned personnel.
Ensured that the CMCC was functioning at a high state of readiness for Civil Military Operations and contingency mission.
Assisted in making recommendation for final product and award of contracts.
Assisted in resolving issue that occurs as the project is under construction.
Conducted market research to keep abreast of market developments; research and analyze statistical data and market reports on the world commodity situation, production patterns and availability of good and services.
Played a significant role in the establishment of the Civil Military Coordination Center (CMCC) at FOB Danger in Tikrit.
Dealt with contractors to arrange for the re-modeling of the building and personally supervised the actual construction work. Designed the office layout for the entire CMCC. Ensured compliance with international laws and conventions regarding use of labor and when acquired and using local resources (supplies, equipment, and facilities).
Provided advice regarding contract/supply strategies to best accomplish the project acquisition plan. Assisted in reviewing After Action Report and recommend changes to the steady state Theater Security Cooperation.
Used expertise and contacts to manage and coordinate security cooperation programs.
Provided comprehensive information on development and trends in security cooperation programs.
Planned, conducted, supported and participated in security cooperation-related activities such as conferences, exercises, boards, working groups, meetings and talks.
Maintained political-military awareness of relevant international and regional organizations as well as of regional initiatives. Synchronized security program with exercises and operations to strengthen defense capabilities and achieve theater goals.
Optimized and managed program timelines to meet dynamic changes.
Reviewed and synchronize Senior Leaders Engagements to ensure the best support to the Command's broader security cooperation program and goals.
Developed and delivered information briefs and presentation on programs status, implementation and execution. Reviewed and provided advice on policy issues related to safeguarding humanitarian principles and ensured the effective delivery of emergency preparedness programs.
Increased legitimacy of the HN government by executing operations and projects in consultation and coordination with civilian agencies and in accordance with local government priorities of work.
Organized and participated in work groups, meetings, and conferences, consultations with other agencies and partners on humanitarian and disaster preparedness-related matters.
Obtained the needed fund and arranged for the purchase, delivery, and installation of computers, printers and copiers. Ensured that CMCC was opened three days ahead of scheduled.
Saved the US Army and 411th Civil Affairs Battalion over$25,000 in planning of the project.
Established strong relationship with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Assisted in planning and implementation of Task Force Liberty Conference called "A New Dawn for Iraq" a successful regional NGO conference held at FOB Danger. Provided round the clock administrative, security and logistical support for the conference which was attended by over 200 guests representing several organizations throughout Iraq. Personally arranged the invitation for 54 local and International NGOs to attend the conference. Coordinated the meeting between the Assistant Governor and International Republican Institute to provide training and services to the governorate and other key leaders in Salah Ad-Din.
1st Infantry Division (M) APO AE 09392Samara, Iraq 08/2004 to12/2004
B/411 Civil Affairs Battalion Hours worked per week: 40-60
Supervisor: LT COL. Robert Smithers Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as Executive Officer of B/411 Civil Affairs Company OPCON to 2nd Brigade Combat Team of 1st Infantry Division in support of OIF 2/3.
Deployed to Samara North-Central Iraq conducting combat and stability operation.
Assumed duties of company commander in the absence of the commander.
Provided company vehicle maintenance program and logistics.
Served as Civil Military Operation Center OIC and IPD/NGO coordinator.
Assisted the commander in developing objectives, schedules and established completion plans.
Provided advice and recommended to senior leaders about the method of issuing casualty pay to Iraqi citizens. Served as the Company finance officer and prepared Bi-Weekly financial reports to higher headquarters.
Participated in contract award process. Prepared and oversaw the distribution of invitations to tender and manage, and conduct all aspects of bid proposal evaluations.
Planned and conducted activities in support of the Brigades Civil Military Operations plans and Task Force Maneuver Commander's guidance to set the condition for Iraqi self-reliance.
Provided assistance at the Iraqi Governor's office by training Iraqi staff on the procedure for contract bidding, office administration and effective filling system.
Participated in a gunfight in Samara by denying Iraqi enemy forces taken over US FOB in Samara. Involved with OPERATION BATON ROUGE in Samara.
Provided advice and recommendations in classified combat operations while establishing training exercise analysis.
Served as the OIC of the Civil Military Operation Center (CMOC) which assisted over 5,000 Iraqis and paid out over $250,000 in thousands of claims and good will gestures.
Re-established a working relationship with Samara government officials to identify problems and resolved issues in the city.
Contributed to a positive working relationship between company, battalion and 2BCT staff.
Assisted in review of theater security cooperation plans to ensure linkage between strategic objectives, priorities, and desired effect for selected programs.
Provided security cooperation recommendations within the Directorate, the Command and to other senior leaders. Scheduled conferences facilities.
Assisted with developing conference agenda, assigning content preparation duties and coordinating distinguished visitor support requirements with appropriate offices travelled with in the area of responsibility to coordinate initiatives.
Assisted in coordinated visit of senior Iraqi Leaders. Facilitated Theater Security Cooperation.
Engaged and directly responsible to secure interest from three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to begin programs in Salah AdDin Province.
Assisted NGO to provide assistance with internally displaced families with clothing and supplies for winter at no cost to the US Government.
Served as the OIC of the provincial Civil Military Operation Center (CMOC) in Tikrit.
Monitored, analyzed and reported on humanitarian developments, disaster preparedness, contingency planning, early warning and assessment. Increased legitimacy of the Iraqi government by executing operations and projects in consultation and coordination with civilian agencies and in accordance with local government priorities of work.
Assisted in the establishment and selection evaluations, drafted source selection plans and determining acceptable levels of performance.
Ensured compliance with international laws and conventions regarding use of labor and when acquired and using local resources (supplies, equipment, and facilities).
Coordinated with contracting agencies to ensure provisions of the contracts were executed. Reviewed and provided advice on policy issues related to safeguarding humanitarian principles and ensured the effective delivery of emergency preparedness programs.
Organized and participated in work groups, meetings, and conferences, consultations with other agencies and partners on humanitarian and disaster preparedness-related matters.
Organized projects to improved operations at the CMOC. Negotiated with contractors and saved the US Government $51,000 in cost reduction for a CMOC improvement project.
Prepared the CMOC team through three separate 1st ID security, communications and operational inspections.
HQ 450th Chemical Battalion, Houston, TX 77041 01/2003 to 8/2004
Supervisor: Major Cynthia Bashaw Hours worked per week: 40-60
Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as the 450th Chemical Battalion Rear Detachment Commander, maintained regular contact with the unit commander at the mission location and the 460th Chemical Brigade.
Maintained accountability of the battalion personnel and ensured adequate facilities are available for the work workforce to perform their duties.
Served as the S-2 to the 18th Airborne Corps Warfighter at Fort Bragg. Ensured that Family Readiness Group (FRG) members have opportunities to maintain contact with deployed soldiers.
Coordinated with the American Red Cross regarding emergency information on unit soldiers and family members.
Provided information on important unit news to the FRG leader.
Assisted FRG leader and FRG members with the concerns they have.
Conducted Sexual Harassment Awareness Program.
Ensured that military personnel are in compliance with DOD regulation guidance on Sexual Harassment.
Ensured zero incident of Sexual Harassment in the Battalion.
Maintained an inventory of supplies and equipment at the unit and installation property signed for and make weekly or daily checks as required.
Prepared and submitted a monthly FRG Situation Report to next higher authority.
Assisted in renovation of the facility and assisted in the new construction of the armory room.
Performed plan analyses, logistics feasibility studies and conducted bilateral site surveys; validated detailed requirements, available resources, manpower, facilities, equipment, supplies and services to support base readiness to receive forces. Served as the Facility Manager.
HQ 450th Chemical Battalion, Houston, TX 77041 08/2002 to 01/2003
Supervisor: Mr. Ray Roberts Hours worked per week: 40-60
. Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as Operation and Intelligence officer and accomplished operation within overall command policies and objectives.
Provided technical advice and guidance to the subordinate units of the 450th Chemical Battalion on setting up operations plans and programs, and the admiration tasks and responsibilities.
Monitored the curriculum for updated war fighter information material and maintained awareness of war fighting system are up to date used in the classroom.
Assisted to analyzed war fighting operation concept and it effect of mission command in the battlefield. Used model technical tools and techniques to develop training exercise. Ensured that training objectives were met. Used software equipment to enhance learning and reality in the battlefield. Used proper program method techniques as block of instruction.
Evaluated training to ensure that soldiers learn to position themselves properly in a combat command actuality. Organized After Action Review to improve on training war fighter exercise and classroom instruction. Reviewed status and readiness of subordinate units.
Advised unit of changes necessary or directed in training goal or procedures.
Conducted Sexual Harassment Awareness Program. Ensured that military personnel were in compliance with DoD regulation guidance on Sexual Harassment. Ensured zero incident of Sexual Harassment in the Battalion.
Conducted liaison with superior and other headquarters to ensure proper understanding requirement and coordination of training exercises. Maintained overall responsibility for the planning,directing, and management of range operations and range maintenance activities.
Produced and updated regulations and directives pertaining to range operations and activities.
Performed necessary administrative functions in support of presentation at briefings, meetings and workshops. Assisted the Command Sergeant Major with tracking Military Qualification Requirement, Non Commission OfficerDevelopment Program, and Officer Development Program.
Maintained the mastertraining library and files.
Prepared the Unit Status Report and Physical Security Directed the installation security and force protection programs. Ensured compliance with appropriate regulations and directives. Issued force protection guidelines and force protection conditions levels as directed by higher headquarters.
Assisted with providing facilities in direct support of state or federally directed mobilizations. Assisted and track Unit Status Report (USR). Completed USR Turn-In in one day, Unit Briefing Data, operation order preparation at the Brigade. Ensured the safety of personnel was within the policy and standard of the battalion. Performed staff assistance visits and provided feedback for implementation.
Assisted the Battalion in updating the mobilization book.
Drafted the post-mobilization training schedule and Home Station Mobilization activities.
Served as the security officer and improved the security clearance program.
Coordinated, and oversaw the work of subordinate supervisors (Range Control Manager) and units.
Planned and scheduled work to be accomplished by subordinates; set and adjusted short-term priorities.
Performed the duties of the Commander in his/her absence.
Appointed by the Department of the Army to serve as a Casualty Assistance Officer for the Houston, TX area.
431st Civil Affairs Battalion, Camp Robinson Road, NLR, AR 72118 01/2000 to 08/2002
Supervisor: Lt. Col Bien Lettie Hours worked:40 hours/month
Salary: $5300.00 / month
Rank: CAPTAIN/03
Served as Public Works Officer in St Vincent Island, Union Island and Honduras.
Worked with the host nation personnel. Conducted power lines, water lines and sanitation assessment.
Coordinated public works operation. Assisted in establishing guidelines for distributing humanitarian assistance to the Orphanage and elementary schools.
Coordinated for water to be supplied to an orphanage home and elementary schools in the area.
Advised and assisted in the construction, operation and maintenance of public works.
Assisted in the construction of Coast Guard Station/Barrack in Union Island to assist in MAY DAY and to monitor and prevent illicit drug trafficking in the area.
Assisted in review of theater security cooperation plans to ensure linkage between strategic objectives, priorities, and desire effect for selected programs.
Provided security cooperation recommendations within the Directorate, the Command and to other senior leaders. Scheduled conferences facilities. Assisted with developing conference agenda, assigning content preparation duties and coordinating distinguished visitor support requirements with appropriate offices travelled with in the area of responsibility to execute Theater Security Plan in Union Island, St. Vincent.
Ensured compliance with international laws and conventions regarding use of labor and when acquired and using local resources (supplies, equipment, and facilities).
Reviewed and provided advice on policy issues related to safeguarding humanitarian principles and ensured the effective delivery of emergency preparedness programs.
Organized and participated in work groups, meetings, and conferences, consultations with other agencies and partners on humanitarian and disaster preparedness-related matters.
Established relationship with senior military leaders and local leaders in other to bring the mission to a successful end.
Initiated the cooperative work between the local leaders and the NGO/PVO.
Interacted with the local populace to keep to keep civilian interference with the JTFto a minimum as a result the JTF engineer units successfully constructed over $1.3M worth of medical and coast guard facilities for the St Vincent government.
Increased legitimacy of the HN government by executing operations and projects in consultation and coordination with civilian agencies and in accordance with local government priorities of work.
Coordinated successful humanitarian outreach activities such as donations of food and water, medical training for nurses at the clinic and distribution of excess lumber from JTF camp.
Served as the Battalion Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Officer.
Subject Matter Expert in forming CBRN task training which has raised the chemical readiness of the Battalion from its previous evaluation period.
1st Lt., Houston, TX 450 ChemicalBattalion 05/1994 to 05/1999
Chemical Officer
2nd Lt., Houston, TX 321 Chemical Company 05/1991 to 05/1994
Chemical Officer Platoon Leader
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